Friday story time
As you may know, this entire blog is really just a way for me to excercise my writing muscle. I don't often get the chance to do it when I'm toiling away at work, and I'm generally not very enthusiastic about it when I'm home- it's mainly because games and snacks are there, and neither lends itself to focus.
With that in mind, I've decided to give each Friday a special designation as "Story Time". How it works is as follows: I will roll on my Chart-0-Setting (which is to follow), and then create a short story based on that setting. So, without further ado, here's the Chart-o-Setting
1st die roll (8-sided die)- genre:
1. Comedy
2. Horror
3. Action/Adventure
4. Fantasy
5. Sci-Fi
6. Drama
7. Romance
8. Roll twice (choose two)
2nd die roll (18-sided)- period
1. Prehistory (?-10000BC)
2. Antiquity (10000BC-400BC)
3. Classical (400BC-400AD)
4. Dark Ages (400-900)
5. Middle Ages (900-1350)
6. Renaissance (1350-1500)
7. Elizabethan (1500-1700)
8. Colonial/Napoleonic (1700-1830)
9. Victorian (1830-1880)
10. Industrial (1880-1920)
11. Nationalist (1920-1950)
12. Cold War (1950-1980)
13. Modern (1980-2004)
14. Near Future (2004-2100)
15. Middle Future (2100-2300)
16. Far Future (2300-?)
17. Other (Original time period)
18. Roll twice
3rd die roll (5-sided die)- conflict
1. Man vs. Man
2. Man vs. Nature
3. Man vs. Himself
4. Other (?)
5. Roll twice
Now, using the wonderful die roller at, I can choose the setting. So, for today
1. Roll = 2 -Horror
2. Roll = 3 - Classical period
3. Roll = 5. Reroll- 1,3 - Man vs Man, Man vs. Himself
Ok, stay tuned for the first installment of Friday Story Time. Stay tuned!
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